Building an Amphitheater for JSS in Maryland – Eagle Scout Project by Prateek Paul

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Leader: Prateek Paul
Location: Frederick, MD
Benefits: Community, Boy Scouts, Theater  
I am Prateek Paul, a Life Scout from Boy Scout Troop 1094 in Darnestown, MD and am doing my Eagle Project at the JSS Spiritual Mission in Gaithersburg, MD. The purpose of the project will be to build a 30 person amphitheater that comprises of mulching a 400 sq ft area, building 4 backless benches and 2 benches with back rests for handicap accommodations.

Prateek will request his friends, boys scouts, and adult volunteers (about 30-40) to help him clean up the area, mulch the area, and make the 6 benches. The hardest part for him will be to assign duties to adult helpers, and not take any suggestions on the day of. As the project manager, it will be his duty to delegate as much as possible, while keeping control of the work being done.

He plans to do the project over two weekends at JSS. JSS is very pleased as this is the first Boy Scouts project at the facility, and is looking forward to use the amphitheater very soon.

The total expenses of this project will total around $600. The project date has been set for June 16, 2012


Editor's Notes

Frederick, MD is a great little town located East of Baltimore and North of Washington D.C. Per the 2010 Census, there were about 65,000 people in Fredrick, MD (61% White, 19% African American and 15% Hispanic).

The major shopping areas include the Francis Scott Key (FSK) Mall that includes major department stores such as Sears, JC Penny, DSW, Macy's Value City